View Full Version : Enough already--I'm done with the drama

Apr 22, 2010, 04:01 PM
fairr disagrees : we already made up, but you deleted that. (Y)

Fairr--first, disagrees should be used for factually incorrect information, or for information that may be dangerous---NOT because you're ticked off at the person you're giving it to. You can read all about it in the Terms of Service.

SECONDLY: All I saw--and all that anyone coming here for the first time would see--is an argument that is completely off track from the original question, which isn't the point of a Q&A site. If you want to bicker, argue, make up, and have conversations, do it in the Members Discussion area or on some other chat site. Don't hijack someone else's question to do it. I don't care that you made up--I care that you argued in the first place, and on a thread that wasn't your own. THAT is why the posts were deleted: They were off topic and argumentative.

I'm done with the drama on these boards--the enemies, the allies, the accusations, the snide comments, the whole thing. You are all intelligent men and women. There is NO REASON you cannot present yourself in an adult manner with a semblance of being courteous and professional.

That means no more tattling on what another member does on another site. No more posting personal information. No more snide and snarky comments. No more reporting someone because you don't like their opinion on something.

Seriously--before you post something to or about another member here, how about thinking about how YOU would feel if someone posted the same thing to or about YOU? If you wouldn't want someone to call you a butt--then don't call someone else a butt! If you don't want YOUR email posted for the world to see---then don't post someone else's! If you wouldn't want someone to talk snarky about or to you, then don't talk snarky about or to someone else!

This is NOT that hard a concept to grasp, folks.

The way these boards have been the last few days, I would have said that most of you were acting like 10-13 year olds, not the intelligent women (and men!) I know you can be.

So---consider this your warning. I'm done with trying to play mommy and soothe hurts and make sure feelings don't get hurt and that you're playing by the rules. I have no favorites here. What I DO have is a pretty good sense of what is fair, and a strong desire to see rules enforced.

If someone is breaking AMHD rules, I want you to report it. If someone is being vicious I want you to report it. If someone is giving dangerous information, I want you to report it.

But I want you all to conduct yourselves according to the Terms of Service, and I want you to act like adults.

And if you don't, you can look forward to infractions/warnings and the possibility being banned for violation of the rules.

Apr 22, 2010, 08:08 PM
Way to go, I got to the point months ago when I was doing a few of those, When they started arguments with me, that is where the 7 day suspended comes in.

Apr 23, 2010, 03:17 AM
Where there are people there is drama, the human race is amazing one. Animals get along better than us.
Best of luck mod

Apr 23, 2010, 03:37 AM
I'll chime in here. I normally try to stay away from this board, partially because I have no knowledge of this area and partially because it is often worse than the religion forums when it comes to contentiousness.

But this site is first and foremost a Q&A site. The purpose here is to provide a place for people to ask a question and get reasonable, QUALITY answers to that question. It is NOT a debate site. So the MODs will be paying closer attention to this forum to ensure that the rules are followed and any petty bickering will be cut off quickly.

Apr 23, 2010, 10:02 AM
Good luck Synnen!
I think this won't be easy in fact I'm really getting tired of all the drama and rude posts.
Some people here are never even courteous which is really annoying.

Apr 23, 2010, 10:57 AM
good luck Synnen!
I think this won't be easy in fact i'm really getting tired of all the drama and rude posts.
Some people here are never even courteous which is really annoying.
And you (meaning all of you) can help by using the Report Inappropriate Post (RIP) link whenever you see anything you feel is an issue.

Apr 23, 2010, 01:21 PM
I tried using that and it doesn't work. Hehehehe

Apr 23, 2010, 01:32 PM
I tried using that and it doesn't work. Hehehehe
Not actually true.
You reported ONE post that was NOT in breach of the sites TOS and as such NO action was required or warranted.

In fact the post your reported was by Synnen asking everyone to act like adults.

Apr 23, 2010, 01:33 PM
I tried using that and it doesn't work. Hehehehe

Maybe its because your complaint didn't have merit. Every report is checked out and appropriate action taken.