View Full Version : Question for people using lighting product just to get rid of dark marks

Mar 11, 2010, 02:52 PM
Hello, I've been reading through these questions but I haven't quite found an answer. My question is to people just trying to lighten dark spots caused by acne. I think I am satisfied with my skin color in general, I just need something that will effectively lighten the dark spots on my face left by acne. Is there anyone out there that can help me with what they use to lighten dark spots only. I am currently using 4% hydroquinone and Retin A. I apply the 4% to the spots only but this is NOT working. Actually what is happening is my over all skin tone is getting lighter and the spots appear to be getting darker. I say appear because they may actually be the same in color as they always were but with the overall lighten of the skin they may just be appearing to be darker. At any rate I need to find something that will lighten them up. I do use sunscreen and I have tried Hydro in a % all the way up to 8%. Any suggestions?

Mar 11, 2010, 07:41 PM
You should try natural lightening products. Personally, I use Tonique and have found that to be quite effective.

Mar 12, 2010, 04:34 AM
IF you just want to get ride of dark spots you don't need HQ just put retin a on the area you want to treat.
You can also do a lactic peel weekly.
If you don't want to lighten stay away from lightening agents as HQ,and all the skin lightening products cause they can easily give you acne especially if you have oily skin.