View Full Version : Plastic water bottles for boys

Sep 25, 2009, 09:01 AM
So I am a 15 year old boy and I have been drinking these since I was 13 and now I have curves and wide hips and I am not fat the bones are wide and I was wondering if I can still get a male body back I am really worried here's the site I got the info from Estrogens from bottled water bottles affect our boys | Home-Water-Filter.info (http://www.home-water-filter.info/blog/estrogens-in-plastic-water-bottles-affect-our-boys/)

Sep 25, 2009, 10:11 AM
I've never heard of this before. If there IS estrogen in bottled water, I doubt that it would do anything significant. After all, both women and men have testosterone (it's the sex-drive hormone for both genders)- women have it in smaller ammounts of course. And those small ammounts don't seem to make us look like men..

Sep 25, 2009, 10:30 AM
You can read more here: Don't Drink Bottled Water Left in Car - Urban Legends (http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/medical/a/bottled-water.htm)
It's mostly a myth.

Sep 25, 2009, 10:34 AM
An estrogen-like compound? Yeah, it doesn't seem like it would do anything to me. Plus it says it could interfere with estrogen (and other reproductive hormones) so, why aren't women worried? Sounds like a myth to me.

Sep 25, 2009, 11:00 AM
so i am a 15 year old boy and i have been drinking these since i was 13 and now i have curves and wide hips and i am not fat the bones are wide and i was wondering if i can still get a male body back i am really worried heres the site i got the info from Estrogens from bottled water bottles affect our boys | Home-Water-Filter.info (http://www.home-water-filter.info/blog/estrogens-in-plastic-water-bottles-affect-our-boys/)
Drink water only out of metal or glass or paper cups/containers. If your bones have been changed because of estrogen, they will thin out again.