View Full Version : My mom is making me go to school when I feel sick as a dog!

Sep 21, 2009, 03:01 PM
I went to school today feeling well sick, light headed, numb, and all that jazz. But didn't say anything to my mom or dad. As I got past my 2nd lesson, I felt really sick, I had a numb hand, my ears are STILL going numb and I feel sick. So my best friend said go down to the office and tell them your sick. So I listened to her. When I got there and told the school nurse she felt very bad for me and said she will call home for my mom or dad to get me. I waited and Waited and my dad finally came in to get me. My dad is very caring and doesn't like to see me sick and will feel very sorry for me. As I got home I went straight to bed and slept until my mom came in from work. At first she was very caring but then as it got later into the day she began to start saying stuff like your going to school tomorrow. And I don't like arguing with my mom espeshaly at this time with a headache and saw jaw and sickness and numbness, so I just said OK. But now I have started to lose my voice and my head is in agony. Im even strugiling to write this. My mom is in bed now cause it's late. So I can't speak to her now. But I know that I won't able to go to school tomorrow I will be in tears and struggle. Please help me tell my mom I can't go to school. I have also started to lose my voice and my throat is in agony!
Thanks :(

Sep 21, 2009, 03:15 PM
Tell her your symptoms and if the nurse sent you home you really must have been sick