View Full Version : It is his signature

Apr 12, 2008, 04:02 PM
My girlfriends grandad wrote a cheque for her and an uncle at the beginning of December 2007,for a large sum of money she did not see the cheques been wrote but it was confirmed by phone by him that he had did this she put it in the bank and they cashed it, then towards the end of December he signed two other cheques and asked her to fill the amounts in for her mum and his funeral costs they were presented to the bank but declined due to the signature they could not be represented as he died in the mean time, now this solicitor who is dealing with his will has getting the fraud team in to say the last two cheques were false and maybes the first two I know this is not the case at all but what can be done, and also we can not find the other two cheques that were declined to try to prove this, will we still be able to keep this money now that they are involved if it is proved that he did write them as they say that the first two are alike the mandate at the bank, and they think maybe just the second two that are not but I was there when he wrote them and he was very frail.

Apr 12, 2008, 04:06 PM
If the bank refused to cash, and the fraud team is looking at it, They will have the uncashed checks most likely.

At this point and time, you need to hire an attorney, since this can become both a civil ( you have to pay money back) and criminal issue

Apr 13, 2008, 10:43 AM
Get a handwriting expert involved to prove that the signer of the checks are the same person. A lot of handwriting traits are the same even if the person is frail and in ill health.