View Full Version : What Does A Break Mean?

Feb 6, 2008, 10:56 AM
Me and my boyfriend were talking last night and I went out of the room because my sister was talking with us, because I had to use the facilities. While my sister and him were talking she said she asked him if he still liked me, because lately it had seemed that every time we talked we were getting further apart. In response to her question he said yea but I think we should take a break. Does this mean forever? Was he cheating on me? Did I do something wrong?? :confused:

Feb 6, 2008, 11:49 AM
Not at all...

It just might mean I'm tired of 'this' and I need a break. Other times it's just a nice way for them to tell you they are not interested and they are too afraid to be forward and honest.

I think we have all heard the, 'I need a break,' line. It hurts, it outright sucks and it can knock the wind right out of you. If he is at all like me, he might have said it because he feels it coming himself, and it's nothing more than a coping mechanism. Wrong or right, we instinctively put our guard up.

I'm not sure how to answer your question but to share with you my personal experience. Please don't allow yourself to automatically think he likes another or is with somebody else. I think most of the time it's found to be just a gentle way of breaking up.

I don't want to be right with this question, as I know how very painful it can be. Whatever turns out to be your answer, I hope you keep your head up, smile when you feel like crying, and know deep down, you will get through this.

You will get through this...

Feb 6, 2008, 11:53 AM
U didn't do anything wrong, just give him his break, but don't dwell on it move on, see if he meant forever by the way he acts not his words guys often don't know what to say to a girl to give her a good hint without being rude... tryout other guys enjoy your break but don't play the jealousy role that will just show how desperate you've become.