View Full Version : A pull away do to illness and more in relationship

Jan 24, 2008, 08:42 PM
I have been in a starting relationship for the last 2 months with a 26 year old woman whom I work with in a large retail store. She is currently leaving a bad relationship after two years with ex husband. She is currently having to live with him till she finds a place. Calls him her roommate now. The relationship has been mostly learning about each other. She told me she likes me a lot, slipped friends, for now.

We have not kissed, or held hand since I got the feeling that she feels guilty if she is with me, yet knows that her ex has been cheating on her for 8 months. I think she does not want to be bad like him.

She has some health problems as well with a thyroid problem. Recently she told me she thinks its getting worse and told me not to be mad when she starts pulling away. She not very open with bad news. She told me. We used to talk often and text a lot. Some sexual joking, Her and I went for rides in the car. Made each other dinner and breakfeast. She drove several times over an half hour drive to see me late at night, yet again not touching, just talked work and short about personal. She told me she is willing to come to me because she wants to be with me.

We did go out one night with friends from work and during the time she did rub my arm and whispered to me as I did to her. So I know she really likes me yet afraid to move right now.

She let me know the other day that the news from doctor is bad. I told her that now she knows what is wrong and to get in the ring and fight. I will be there to cheer her on. She replied, thanks.

I have not heard back from her since yet at work we both make nice eye contact at work.

I now have not seen or talked to her in two days. What should I do next. I am not one to run away from problems, and she told me that she knows I am there for her in the last face to face talk. I have a soft heart so I am concerned greatly.

My gut feeling is that she is against a lot right now and that the pleasure we got from each other became so great it became painful to her since she does not feel right both physically and mentally with illness and ex. I am holding off talking to her to give space is this right?

Again what should I do next?

Your help is appreciated

Jan 24, 2008, 11:35 PM
I woudn't pressure her to be anything more than friends right now (doesn't sound like you have anyways). But it definitely does sound like she needs a friend. So just continue to be here for her. If you haven't talked o her for two days, call or text her just to say hi and see how she is. For me, when I get really stressed, I basically shut down. And even if I've told people before that I know they're there for me, when I shut down I totally forget that they're there and willing to help me. Maybe she's the same. Maybe she needs for you to reach out to her.