View Full Version : So confusing.he never calls when he's out?

Jan 23, 2008, 07:22 PM

My boyfriend never calls when he's out.. when he's with me were happy and I feel so comfortable.. but when he goes out.. say for ex. After work to a bar.. n he knows I'm home.. he never calls me till he gets home.. I don't know why he does that and when I ask him about it.. he just says if me and him talk we will argue and he doesn't want to upset his mood.. Any thoughts or advice on this.. hes so confusing.. sometimes I feel so used. I feel when he's with me he has a good time and he doesn't know me when he's out.

Help.. ;[

He's out right now and I've been calling and he doesn't pick up and it started going to his message like he turned his phone off.. n we saw each other last night.. ;[ I have been crying since its been going to voicemail.. because I can't believe he would do that to me in just 1 day.

Jan 23, 2008, 07:48 PM
Don't be so attached... maybe... me and my boyfriend used to fight about the same things... and you just have to trust him... and if you don't then maybe he's not the person for you. Just trust him... if it's that big of a deal that you talk to him while he is out then text each other. AND if he doesn't agree to that then he's not really that worried about hurting you and should know that he could at least do that for you. It works but he has to be willing to do it so talk to him about it. You can also have him call before and right after he goes out.

Jan 23, 2008, 07:52 PM
He never evens text me... we have talk about it so many times.. I don't mind he's out but its nice to call once in awhile.. he knows I'm at home not feeling well.. sometimes I really think he's not the one... we have been together 10 months and friends 6 months before we started dating.. I really feel like moving on.. im just waiting to hear his excuse when he does call later,. I will make my decision then..

Jan 23, 2008, 08:00 PM
Girl don't wait for his next excuse... dont wait and be on his terms... if you EVER, EVER have to ask yoourself if he's the one then he is NOT the one. When the one comes you will know. And the one wouldn't do this to you. You deserve someone so much better. Don't even listen to his excuse cause I'm sure it will be a lie. Just tell him that you are tired of his crap and he must not care for you the way you need him to and if its going to be like this then you don't want to be with him.
That's what I would do... but its up to you. Just know you deserve better than that! Everyone deserves their mr right!

Jan 23, 2008, 08:32 PM
Thank you.. very much.. for your advice... he just called and said his phone was dead and when he went to "call" me while at the bar he realized it was dead..
Yea excuse.. I'll never really know the truth. But thanks for the advice. Maybe he really isn't the one.