View Full Version : The need to hear the "L" word

Jan 13, 2008, 07:23 PM
I don't know if its me or him at this point anymore.
I have been with the most amazing man for the past year now. He is so good to me in everyway anyone can ever imagine. He is the type to stay at his house on week nights.. and I stay at my own house during the week... I have stayed away over the parents house meny times and feel very comfterble and invited into this mans life. BUT after 11 months ( 3 months ago) I decided to take my chances and say the "L" word.. I have now maybe told him 3 times.. Hes NEVER responded to me. I AM his first girlfriend.. or so he's told me. So I know he might be scaired.. I ask why he could'nt respond the first time and his answer was " I dont know what Love is". Time is going by.. some days are harder then others.. I do see this man 6 days out of a week . Sometimes I ask myself is it just because he might think Im not the one... or is it just me trying to rush?

Jan 13, 2008, 07:30 PM
Let me ask you a question. If he said he loves you will it make you think he cares any more than he does right now? No. He told you himself he does not know what love is. The way you describe him, he sounds like he is very shy and treats you okay. If he has been with you this long and has not said it, he will say it to you when he's ready and not before. Most men don't know how to say this word so please try not to dwell on him saying it. Some married men NEVER say this word as their attitude is "I married you didn't I?" Some guys are just like that. They can show love but can't say the word. Count yourself lucky you have him.

Jan 13, 2008, 07:35 PM
Thanks I appreciate your advide.. so good to get a reminder or refresher.

Jan 13, 2008, 07:38 PM
My husband hasn't said the L word during the entire 40 years of our marriage. All he does is keeps the cars in good shape, does all the grocery shopping while I'm at work, feeds the cats and gives them fresh water, does the laundry, and repairs anything that needs it.

Jan 13, 2008, 07:38 PM
Know the phrase "talk is cheap?"

... it really is. There are guys out there that tell their girlfriends/wives that they love them... and then turn around and cheat on them. Really. Words mean very little.

Focus on his actions. How he treats you.

Jan 13, 2008, 07:41 PM
So true on what you guys are saying.. a guess its this crazy girlfriend of mine that makes me think of the negetive.. I shouldn't let it get to me.. u guys are so right.