View Full Version : Should I labeled crazy or just forgive myself somehow?

Jan 6, 2008, 02:06 PM
Ok, so... it started hanging out with a friend, getting back at this boy. So we made fake Myspaces using someone else's pictures. Then we all decided to make one... and I'd check it everyday, you know? Just like my real one. So, I met this boy, name anonymous... but we started talking, and then I gave him my phone number. And things got pretty serious. I mean, like really strong I love you's and everything. And even though I was using someone else's pictures, it was totally my personality. So, when it comes down to it, he found out and everything was ruined. He was totally crushed, but I think I felt just as bad, maybe even worst. Giulty, embarrassed, ashamed and totally crushed. So, I told him all about the real me and everything and he still want's to be best friends but there's no trust there... I told him he should just ignore me because I was such a loser doing all that too impress him. So, I mean, I guess we're friends, and we say I love you still, but when I say it, I mean it with everything, when he says it, it's just friends. I'm so head over heels still, and I don't know what to do to make it not awkward anymore... especially when he says for me to not say sorry... He says just forget everything. So..

Jan 6, 2008, 02:36 PM
Well you are crazy.. but don't worry so am I. I have the same problem. Its hard when people don't understand that is really is LOVE but whatever!