View Full Version : Should I get back together with my girlfriend?

Dec 31, 2007, 10:34 PM
Well... this feels stupid.

I had been going out with this girl for about 4 months or so and I really liked her and I think she liked me a lot as well. But the thing is that we didn't seem to get any closer, we were kind of stuck in the beginning stages of a relationship. I'm a pretty outgoing guy and I like to have meaningful conversations with people, and most importantly I would like to be able to talk t my girlfriend about anything. But I could never do that because she was so shy, she could never seem to let go and just be herself around me. Well, at least that are the reasons that I came up with when I broke up with her.

But in fact, the more I think about it I think I just wasn't ready for a relationship. I wasn't really there for her when she needed to see me, and I didn't spend as much time with her as I should have done. So I am kind of regretting having broken up with her and I kind of want her back.

There is more though. Shortly after we broke up though she went to Mexico as a foreign exchange student (which was one of the reasons we broke up), but she's coming home soon.
I know she's been with a couple of guys since we broke up, and in fact I was seeing her best friend for a while this winter but nothing serious happened really, and I'm totally hooked on my ex.

So my questions are these;

Why can't I get over this girl, it's been months since we broke up ?
Should I get back with her ?

I just needed to tell someone about this, it doesn't really matter if you answer or not, I will figure it out anyway... in the end.
English is not my first language, so please disregard any spelling or grammatical errors ;)


Dec 31, 2007, 11:59 PM
English isn't your first language either? I would never have known. You write like you are from Gawga too. Your relationship with her has had a beginning and an end. You are wondering about renewing the relationship. Have you thought about those things that you like most about her? You didn't mention any of them. Have you had any contact with her since she left, sent her any mail, etc. Was the last date of meeting particularly stressful for either of you? After the break, did she try to talk to you about it?

Check this: Psychology Today: Rekindling an Old Flame—or Not (http://psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-20051011-000002.html)

Jan 1, 2008, 12:08 AM
Is she interested in doing it again? Or is it one of those burnt bridges?

Jan 1, 2008, 12:20 AM
Talk with her one more time to get the feel of where her heart is. A rekindling might be possible since you both have had time to grow up.

P.S. It's P.S. then P.P.S. - Post Script ("after the writing"), then Post Post Script ("a second time after the writing"). You could even do a P.P.P.S. and P.P.P.P.S.

Homegirl 50
Jan 1, 2008, 05:21 AM
You said the relationship was in a getting nowhere mode at the time you ended it. Why are you wanting to go back there?
Maybe the thought of her coming back home is bringing up thoughts of her, but it sounds to me that you two were maybe not a good match to begin with, which is why you broke up.
Talk to her once she gets back home, see if there is something there.

Jan 1, 2008, 06:14 AM
Sorry I don't other languege

Jan 1, 2008, 11:26 AM
I've had some time to think this over and I really think the reasons we broke up outweigh the reasons I was with her in the first place. We have been emailing each other once in a while since she left the country and what I gather from those emails is that she hasn't changed a lot, and I know I haven't.
Our last real meeting was when we broke up, I only passed her in the street a couple of times before she left for Mexico and at school, so we didn't really have any closure.

Homegirl 50
I think you're probably right, I have been thinking an awful lot about her recently, maybe because she's coming home, maybe because of the year ending or something, but I think that it really wouldn't be a good idea to get back together with her. I've talked to some of my friends about it and they all think I'm crazy and so does my brother. So I think I should just get over her and move on.

I knew it was one or the other, when you mentioned it something clicked in my head and I will probably not make that mistake again.
Thanks for correcting me. ;)