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    smileitonn's Avatar
    smileitonn Posts: 20, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 29, 2007, 05:24 PM
    How long is it until its too late to have an abortion?
    Hi I'm just wondering how long it is until you cannot have an abortion?
    All websites say something different haha:P
    shygrneyzs's Avatar
    shygrneyzs Posts: 5,017, Reputation: 936
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    Nov 29, 2007, 05:28 PM
    What does your state law state is the acceptable trimester for an abortion? Some states only allow an abortion within the first three months. Call your local family planning clinic or public health or perhaps ask your own doctor. Or look in the phone book under abortions.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Nov 29, 2007, 06:13 PM
    90% of places will not do an abortion, unless medically necessary, past 12 weeks. This would be three months.
    smileitonn's Avatar
    smileitonn Posts: 20, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 29, 2007, 06:22 PM
    Ohh okay. I thought that it meant that you HAD to get an abortion BEFORE 12 weeks.

    But you have to be pregnant for at least 12 weeks and up to have one?
    Haha, I love this site:)
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Nov 29, 2007, 06:25 PM
    No, you were right the first time.

    Abortions must be done BEFORE 12 weeks!!

    Any time after that, in most places, an abortion will not be done.

    If you are past 12 weeks most states do not allow an abortion unless it is medically indicated.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Nov 29, 2007, 06:26 PM
    BEFORE 12 weeks,

    smileitonn's Avatar
    smileitonn Posts: 20, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 29, 2007, 06:29 PM
    OOPS. Haha.. I'm sorry I read that wrong.
    bebegirl's Avatar
    bebegirl Posts: 36, Reputation: 8
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    Nov 30, 2007, 01:07 AM
    Don't get one. Put up for adoption if you have to. God has a plan for everyone.
    mjl's Avatar
    mjl Posts: 486, Reputation: 26
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    Nov 30, 2007, 06:44 PM
    In the province that I live in abortion is illegal so I never gave it much thought. I never even knew much about it until I searched it on YouTube thinking I'd get videos of people giving their opinion on it. However I got videos that were so disturbing that I had to turn them off, and they even gave me nightmares!! I suggest you watch them so you know what you are getting yourself into.
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Nov 30, 2007, 06:56 PM

    I suggest you ALSO read articles about parents going crazy, people killing their own kids, and the many things that new parents go through.

    And I ALSO suggest you talk to several birthmothers who are a few years removed from their adoption to find out what THEY go through.

    A nightmare is in the eye of the beholder.

    Giving opinions on whether abortion is right isn't what this question was about--it was about how late was too late to get an abortion.
    bebegirl's Avatar
    bebegirl Posts: 36, Reputation: 8
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    Dec 1, 2007, 12:46 AM
    stutchie's Avatar
    stutchie Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 1, 2007, 03:20 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by smileitonn
    hi i'm just wondering how long it is until you cannot have an abortion?
    all websites say something different haha:P
    Hi. If you haven't already had an abortion don't! Take it from me. I did one of the hardest things I would ever have to do. I gave my child up for adoption instead of abortion. He is with a couple that can take way better care of him than I could have! The people who adopted him could not have children and it made their whole world complete!
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Dec 1, 2007, 03:04 PM
    I too am a birthmother.

    I've gone through YEARS of counseling to deal with the adoption.

    I, too, had my "honeymoon" period when I thought that adoption was the greatest option you could possibly use.

    I now am angry and bitter about the way adoption is represented, about the lack of contact I have with my child, and about the promises that were made that weren't kept by the adoptive family.

    Don't get me wrong--my daughter's adoptive parents are great, and she has a happy life. I get updates once a year or so--though the promise was every 3 months. My daughter has the love and stability I couldn't give her at the time--but that doesn't mean that it doesn't break my heart that she'll never call me "mommy", or that I probably mean less to her than her favorite teacher.

    MY child is the equivalent of dead--she became someone else's child. Yet society doesn't let you grieve, doesn't understand your hurt, and either thinks that you're a hero for choosing adoption, or thinks that you didn't love your child.

    It was, and is, no less difficult than dealing with the death of a child, except that with death, it's easier to move on.

    So... Don't sit there and tell me adoption is also an option. I'm well aware of that, thank you very much, since I chose it myself.

    However---*I* chose that option. ME. The one in those circumstances at that particular time. This woman has as much right to make her OWN choice, and not have YOUR choice shoved down her throat.

    She asked for legalities, and she gets arguments. Guess what? She probably doesn't care what you think--it's her life, and her choice, and people boohooing about the possible life lost should remember that she has the right not to lose her OWN life, whether that be because when you become a parent, your life is second to your child's, or because childbirth can still be a dangerous proposition, or be because the guilt and anguish that adoption can be haunts her forever. HER CHOICE, not yours.
    mjl's Avatar
    mjl Posts: 486, Reputation: 26
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    Dec 1, 2007, 03:26 PM
    The only people who are pro-abortion are the people who are already born.
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Dec 1, 2007, 03:34 PM
    The only PEOPLE that are against abortion are already born too.

    Embryos don't really have opinions, I'm sure--unless you're arguing that a miscarriage is a baby committing suicide?
    mjl's Avatar
    mjl Posts: 486, Reputation: 26
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    Dec 1, 2007, 05:13 PM
    Why would you think that I think that? That is just stupid.
    mjl's Avatar
    mjl Posts: 486, Reputation: 26
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    Dec 1, 2007, 05:26 PM
    Just wondering Synnen, how would you feel if your mom told you she was going to have an abortion when she was pregnant with you and at the last minute she decided against it... You would be very thankful right.
    bebegirl's Avatar
    bebegirl Posts: 36, Reputation: 8
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    Dec 2, 2007, 01:22 AM
    mjl I agree. She's probably a liberal feminist who thinks its horrible to kill baby whales but killing a life is okay.
    No one was sparking up a debate about pro-life or not. It's the simple fact that if you think you are old enough and mature enough to have sex - and not be protected YOU should be responsible enough to take care of your problems... if you considering being pregnant a problem.

    I am sure adoption would be a difficult thing, forever. But you know that one little person gone could be the answer to many problems the world has. There is a preacher that is well known... his mother was a victim of rape... she somehow decided to keep the baby... he has saved MILLIONS of souls to Christ & that my friend last eternity.
    Besides, it's a proven fact that 9 out of 10 women regret their choice, suffer from chronic depression and even have health problems occurring then and in the future.
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Dec 2, 2007, 02:43 AM
    Same goes with adoption, you know. The regrets, depression, health problems, and infertility. Look it up.

    To turn the tables on you---what if Hitler's mom had decided to abort HIM? Or Mussolini's? Or Osama bin Laden's?

    Would I be grateful if my own mom had said she decided against abortion at the last minute? How could I possibly know that? However--my parents were POOR when I was growing up--they were teens when they had me. Knowing what I know about life--how could I BLAME my mom for having an abortion when she got pregnant at 15? I was lucky, though--MY parents stuck together, unlike so many teens these days. So--being poor, with parents that hate each other, a dad that doesn't want to pay child support and a mom that worked 2 jobs to make ends meet--would I ASK for a life like that? Or how about one where I wondered every day what my birth parents were like, and if they even ever loved me?

    Life is what it is--you can't change the circumstances when you're a kid. You live with your parents' choices. CHOICES.

    Are you willing to adopt one of the kids currently stuck in foster care because they're not infants or toddlers, and therefore not easily adoptable? Kids whose parents snapped under whatever stress, and abused them, one way or another? Would you really add MORE kids to that?

    And frankly--I don't care about baby whales one bit. What I DO care about is women having the choice to have a safe medical procedure, rather than being butchered in a back alley. Supposing that an embryo IS a baby--wouldn't you rather have ONE life ended in an abortion than TWO because a woman was so desperate she'd pay anyone with a folding table and a butcher knife?

    And since you've got such a poor opinion of me--I didn't choose abortion. I chose adoption. And--I'm also now infertile, and if my husband and I want to have children, we will need to adopt. I think that I can see ALL sides of the issue, rather than just the "OMG, you're MURDERING (god I hate that word in association with abortion) an INNOCENT (as if it's had the choice to be otherwise) BABY".

    Please--whoever moderates this thread, close it. I can't seem to stop responding to the bleeding hearts and slurs against my character, but I feel this thread has been overtaken from its original purpose, and the OP got her answer already.
    bebegirl's Avatar
    bebegirl Posts: 36, Reputation: 8
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    Dec 2, 2007, 03:56 AM
    Ok first of all (and this is my last post -- I am the same way) health problems and becoming infertile have nothing to do w/ adoption.
    Second of all.. I think a woman should have a right if she is raped to choose... but I am sorry sleeping w/ people or a person --- regardless you should protect yourself if you don't want to have a child... and YES.. INNOCENT. A human ( whom is ALIVE and a LIVING BEING s from like 1 week of conception)... didn't asked to be brought into this world. Also, I have no opinion of you. I don't even know you. The only thing I think is that your point of view is sad to me. I do see all sides - but that doesn't mean I am going to pick the one I feel is wrong. Having an open mind to me means seeing all views and 'sides'.. but you have to stand your ground.

    Obviously we stand on 2 completely different sides... I don't think you are a horrible person and I honestly applaud you getting an adoption. I am sorry for any grief or pain you have had to go through because of it.
    It just simply set me off to see that this young girl was told that it would be a good idea to MURDER --> SOMEONE who IS apart of her.

    I don't really think you see ALL sides. B/c if you did you would see the perspective of God creating everyone -- everyone. No one is a mistake. YES, mistakes happen.. but babies aren't one of those. Your stand on God may be different than mine and I don't think I am a better person if so -- nor am I trying to shove my ideas down your throat. BUT, I CAN promise you... that there IS a God.. who died for all our sins. As a Christan it's my job to let other's know they are loved. When I read something about someone in a crisis such as this and I do believe it or not know where you are coming from in a sense... to me it's important to not only let that person know something may be wrong but to explain it.. I would appreciate very much so if you would please not respond back to me. Abortion is a horrible thing. It's horrible. Yes, I see where you are coming from.. no money, pregnant... have bills to pay & things to do. But -- they have assistance for situations like that & believe it or not... when you allow yourself to go through such an ordeal and a process... I personally believe you WILL be blessed for it.

    Last thing I am going to say, despite all your ideas and stands on abortion... you know you had your child... you carried he/she w/ you for 9 months... and it became a part of you... and forever will be. YOU brought something wonderful in this world that blessed others. Someday when the child is grown and you get a picture of their prom, graduation or wedding invite I know you will be happy that you created such a gift.
    Best wishes to you & I will pray that your chances of having a baby will change and if not that you will be immensly blessed in your life.

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