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  1. I was at .11 at 1pm Sun when I failed the...

    I was at .11 at 1pm Sun when I failed the interlock. I have to go to court tomorrow to discuss with the judge. I have spoken with my attorney and he is going to be there with me tomorrow. I believe...
  2. BrAC .11 at 1pm Sun and 80 hour on Wed at 5pm what are the odds to pass

    Dr. Bill.. What do you think?
  3. Dr. Bill, Do you still feel the same considering...

    Dr. Bill,
    Do you still feel the same considering the quantity
  4. Oh. To answer your question. My friend and I...

    Oh. To answer your question. My friend and I shared a box of wine. I think it is a 5Ltr box. I would say like 2-2.5ltr of wine and a few Tequila shots. Started at about 8pm amd ended at 3-4 am on Sat.
  5. Dr. Bill.. You are a God send. I can't thank you...

    Dr. Bill.. You are a God send. I can't thank you enough. I cheked out the WFS and am very interested. Sounds like a great source of support for many of my issues. I will keep you posted.
  6. Ok. I just got home. And the PO called and said...

    Ok. I just got home. And the PO called and said that she needs to see me tomorrow to discuss the interlock. I was tested right at 5pm and I am guessing that it would have been 72 hr since BAC was...
  7. Sorry, I didn't see your reply. Yes the last...

    Sorry, I didn't see your reply. Yes the last drink was about 3-4 am, but the interlock failed at 1pm on Sunday. And I am testing today at 5pm.
  8. Dr. Bill, I have to go in 1.5 hours and getting...

    Dr. Bill,
    I have to go in 1.5 hours and getting nervous. Could you tell me if your opinion was based on the lower threshold test of 100ng or 500ng?
  9. In other words. With a 100 cut off do you still...

    In other words. With a 100 cut off do you still think that I should be good at 72 hours?
  10. I found the study and graphs of detection times...

    I found the study and graphs of detection times for the EtG. What was the cut off that they used and is that what you refer to as the 66 hour average in another thread that you mentioned for those...
  11. Thanks so much that is very conforting. I saw a...

    Thanks so much that is very conforting. I saw a chart that you posted to someone with times. It was a graph from some studies. Could you please send me that? I am still so worried.
  12. Ok. I was just called to go for the test. She...

    Ok. I was just called to go for the test. She said to report no later than 5 pm. It will have been about 72 hours. I know that you can't give me a yes or no answer, but could you tell me what you...
  13. I have never had that happen and I did not know...

    I have never had that happen and I did not know what to do. It said lock out and read 29. I thought that was 29 hours. This happened on Sunday and I figured they were closed and did not want to be...
  14. What happens if you fail on your interlock ignition device

    If you have an interlock ignition device installed on your vehicle due to a dwi and it fails the test?
  15. That would be most helpful, as I just lost my...

    That would be most helpful, as I just lost my insurance due to being laid off. My primary problem is major depressive disorder which I occasionally self medicate with alcohol. I lost my insurance due...
  16. Thanks so much for your time. I know that you...

    Thanks so much for your time. I know that you have a million people to reply to, but I was also wondering if there are any particular vitamin supplements that increase liver function.
  17. Oh, one more question. If the super concentrated...

    Oh, one more question. If the super concentrated car freshener where to have gotten sprayed into the handset of the interlock, what could it register (theoretically)?

    I had to take it in yesterday...
  18. Ok. Are there any foods that I should avoid or...

    Ok. Are there any foods that I should avoid or that would be more beneficial? And will exercise help at all?

    Thank you
  19. BTW. I am going to go to the gym and stay on the...

    BTW. I am going to go to the gym and stay on the treadmill as long as I possibly can stand it. Will that help?
  20. Thank you so much for your input and it is not...

    Thank you so much for your input and it is not interfering at all. I have not been contacted yet, but am jumping out my chair every time the phone rings. I understand relapse and my circumstances are...
  21. Yes. I went to an IOP intensive outpatient...

    Yes. I went to an IOP intensive outpatient program and do weekly follow up. I have been totally clean for 7 months. I was doing awesome. Got a great job, which gave me a tremendous amount of self...
  22. How does creatine effect the EtG and Ets alcohol test?

    If you are trying to dilute without actually getting a dilute, should you be taking creatine as well as dring tons of water and vitamins?
  23. Answers

    There is very little communication between...

    There is very little communication between probation and Davis Investigation, the company that performs the test. I was thinking that I could just tell them that I was there for a UA and they would...
  24. Answers

    Does a regular UA screening include the EtG test

    Does the regualar UA that you take while on probation, in Montgomery County Texas, screen for alcohol and if so does it test for EtG or just ethanol?
  25. Could you explain these other 2 tests please. And...

    Could you explain these other 2 tests please. And any idea what you think my BAC could have been at 1pm if I had my last drink at 3am?
  26. How long do I need to wait to get a negative 80 hour alcohol test?

    I am 5'5" and weigh 150. I drank Saturday night until about 4am Sunday morning. I am not sure how much that I had to drink. Irt was a lot. I drank wine and then tequila shots. I have an interlock...
Results 1 to 26 of 26